BA School of Business, Riga Latvia
In 2008 Future University in Egypt set an agreement between its Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration and BA School of Business and Finance, Riga, Latvia. The agreement fosters scientific cooperation between the two institutions by facilitating joint research and educational programs.
To realize the objectives of this agreement, the parties have agreed to participate in EU funded programs, promote the exchange of graduate and postgraduate students, participate in seminars, workshops and conferences organized by both parties. The agreement is also intended to promote the exchange of publications and documentation on current research projects, and conduct collaborative scientific research.
Participate in the EU Funded programs
Promote the exchange of academic staff and undergraduate and postgraduate students
Develop and promote administrative and teaching staff quality management
Participate in seminars, workshops and conferences
Participate in mutual programs and projects
Conduct mutual scientific research
Promote the exchange of publications and documentation on current research projects
Mutual Organization of courses and workshops