Future University In Egypt (FUE)
Future University is one of most promising private universities in Egypt. Through excellence in teaching, research and service, Future University strives to provide a comprehensive, high-quality education that prepares our graduates to be future leaders.
Altagamoa Al Khames, Main centre of town, end of 90th Street
New Cairo

Agreements and Partnerships

University of Cincinnati

Agreements and Partnerships
To achieve international quality standards and accreditation, FUE and the University of Cincinnati (UC) signed an agreement for an academic partnership effective July 2013.

It includes the undergraduate programs in Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Faculty of Commerce & Business Administration, Faculty of Economics & Political Science and Faculty of Computers & Information Technology.
In collaboration with FUE professors, an academic team from UC reviewed the curricula in the four faculties and identified areas for improvement commensurate with the Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education and international quality standards.
As a result, UC recognized the programs in the four faculties as qualified for the partnership and certification. Students graduating from FUE will have the UC accreditation on their certificates and final transcripts.
This reflects the common standards and educational quality of FUE and UC. The collaboration will include a number of joint FUE/UC activities including but not limited to student and professor exchanges, research projects, seminars, and annual audits.

Agreements and Partnerships

Agreements and Partnerships

Exchange of studentsbrExchange of faculty and staff membersbrJoint research activities knowledge transfer University of CincinnatiTo achieve international quality standards and accreditation FUE and the University of Cincinnati UC signed an agreement for an academic partnership effective July It includes the undergraduate programs in Faculty of Engineering Technology Faculty of Commerce Business Administration Faculty of Economics Political Science and Faculty of Computers Information TechnologyIn collaboration with FUE professors an academic team from UC reviewed the curricula in the four faculties and identified areas for improvement commensurate with the Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education and international quality standardsAs a result UC recognized the programs in the four faculties as qualified for the partnership and certification Students graduating from FUE will have the UC accreditation on their certificates and final transcripts This reflects the common standards and educational quality of FUE and UCThe collaboration will include a number of joint FUEUC activities including but not limited to student and professor exchanges research projects seminars and annual audits FUE